Q-SMAKAS Tooltip Failure Mode Search Project Results

Table of Contents

1. Experimental process
2. Results format explanation
3. Results
    a. Loaded Tooltips
         DC10c C100GeATD C100GeATS C100GeATSr5 C100GeATSr6 C100GeCTS
         C110GeS C111Ge3 AdamGe22 AdamGe33 Diad3Ge22 DCB55AGe
         DCB55BGe DCB55CGe DCB57Ge DCB5Ge DCB65Ge DCB6Ge
         DCB75Ge DCBIceane7Ge MCB55Ge MCB57Ge MCB5Ge MCB75Ge
    b. Unloaded Tooltips
         DC10c C100GeATD C100GeATS C100GeATSr5 C100GeATSr6 C100GeCTS
         C110GeS C111Ge3 AdamGe22 AdamGe33 Diad3Ge22 DCB55AGe
         DCB55BGe DCB55CGe DCB57Ge DCB5Ge DCB65Ge DCB6Ge
         DCB75Ge DCBIceane7Ge MCB55Ge MCB57Ge MCB5Ge MCB75Ge
    c. Q-SMAKAS Method Evaluation Molecules

Unloaded Tooltips


Mode: Normal
Energy: -648.01479 Hartrees

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -647.88153 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
50 in MD run: 6000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -648.00601 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
10 in MD run: 6000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Dimer cracked.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -647.95973 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
9 in MD run: 6000 K (~0.04)

Notes: Carbons near the (absent) dimer compress and bond.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -648.02023 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 6000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Shift in carbon arrangement to lower energy mode.

Input files:
DC10c.U.q.tar.gz [1.4 Mb]6000 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
DC10c.U.results.q.tar.gz [18 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -5206.10702 Hartrees

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -5205.92499 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
34 in MD run: 5000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Energy: -5206.04417 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
2 in MD run: 5000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up.

Energy: -5205.94785 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
2 in MD run: 5000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer cracks at base.

Energy: -5206.12363 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 5000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Hydrogen migrates to dimer carbon.

Input files:
1_C100GeATD.U.s.tar.gz [2.2 Mb]5000 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
1_C100GeATD.U.results.s.tar.gz [12 Mb]


Mode: Normal?
It collapses somewhat - is it
then re-loadable?

Energy: -5206.15515 Hartrees

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -5205.94069 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
106 in MD run: 4500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -5206.94812 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
3 in MD run: 4500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer cracks.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -5206.04239 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 4500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up (version 1.)

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -5206.11951 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
2 in MD run: 4500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up (version 2.)

Input files:
1_C100GeATS.U.t.tar.gz [2.2 Mb]4500 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
1_C100GeATS.U.results.t.tar.gz [33 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4630.63055 Hartrees
No alternate modes detected, but why isn't the Normal mode tooltip perfectly symmetric as one would expect?
Input files:
1_C100GeATSr5.U.w.tar.gz [1.4 Mb]3000 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
1_C100GeATSr5.U.results.w.tar.gz [26 Mb]

Energy minimization convergence was not achieved in the alloted time for this tooltip.


Mode: Normal?
Is it re-loadable like this?
Energy: -5208.55594 Hartrees

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -5208.37849 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
2 in MD run: 3000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Looks like a better un-loaded normal mode for this tooltip, but is at a much higher energy.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -5208.51679 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 3000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Hydrogen migrated to the dimer end of tooltip.

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -5208.34051 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
127 in MD run: 3000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Input files:
1_C100GeCTS.U.w.tar.gz [2.3 Mb]3000 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
1_C100GeCTS.U.results.w.tar.gz [69 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4411.01682 Hartrees

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4411.00630 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
54 in MD run: 3500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Hydrogen from one of the Ges migrated to the other Ge

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4410.94425 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 3500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up.

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -4410.83639 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
16 in MD run: 3500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Input files:
2_C110GeS.U.v.tar.gz [1.2 Mb]3500 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
2_C110GeS.U.results.v.tar.gz [11 Mb]

Energy minimization convergence was not achieved in the alloted time for this tooltip.


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4372.42441 Hartrees

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4372.40720 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
94 in MD run: 3000 K (0.0402 RMSD)

Notes: Hydrogen from one of the Ges migrated to the other Ge.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4372.31910 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 3000 K (0.0402 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up.

Input files:
5_AdamGe22.U.w.tar.gz [1.1 Mb]3000 K (0.0402 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
5_AdamGe22.U.results.w.tar.gz [10 Mb]


Mode: "Normal"
Energy: -4373.66814 Hartrees

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4373.66585 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
2 in MD run: 1500 K (0.04345 RMSD)

Notes: Carbon migrates to dimer position.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4373.57746 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
50 in MD run: 1500 K (0.04345 RMSD)

Notes: Hydrogen from one of the Ges migrated to the other Ge.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4373.56241 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
299 in MD run: 1500 K (0.04345 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up.

Input files:
5_AdamGe33.U.z.tar.gz [1.3 Mb]1500 K (0.04345 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
5_AdamGe33.U.results.z.tar.gz [24 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4708.26935 Hartrees

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4708.35254 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
58 in MD run: 3000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Hydrogen from one of the Ges migrated to the other Ge. Lower energy configuration.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4708.26935 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
?? in MD run: 3000 K (0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Ge hydrogens changed sides. Detected via visual inspection of the MD run - otherwise it has the same energy as the normal mode tooltip. Counting them would be a pain because we'd have to do it manually/visually since energy gives no indication. Come up with an algorithm to automatically detect symmetric deformations by labeling a select triple/triangle of atoms, then do a fuzzy comparison to atoms in the immediate vicinity of the binding pocket.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4708.24500 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
82 in MD run: 3000 K (0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One Ge hydrogen switched sides.

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -4708.10811 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 3000 K (0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Input files:
6_Diad3Ge22.U.w.tar.gz [1.5 Mb]3000 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
6_Diad3Ge22.U.results.w.tar.gz [28 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4668.29204 Hartrees

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -4668.21919 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
86 in MD run: 4000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4668.28585 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
12 in MD run: 4000 K (0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4668.33716 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
18 in MD run: 4000 K (0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up. Lower energy configuration.

Input files:
7_DCB55AGe.U.u.tar.gz [1.5 Mb]4000 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_DCB55AGe.U.results.u.tar.gz [26 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4714.86335 Hartrees

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4714.89054 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 1500 K (0.05275 RMSD)

Notes: Base opens up into lower energy configuration Ð version 1.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4714.86385 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
278 in MD run: 1500 K (0.05275 RMSD)

Notes: Base opens up into lower energy configuration Ð version 2.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4714.85551 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
116 in MD run: 1500 K (0.05275 RMSD)

Notes: A Ge is in an odd position.

Input files:
7_DCB55BGe.U.z.tar.gz [1.6 Mb]1500 K (0.05275 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_DCB55BGe.U.results.z.tar.gz [43 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4752.28751 Hartrees

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -4752.23201 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
214 in MD run: 4000 K (0.04297 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4752.23922 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 4000 K (0.04297 RMSD)

Notes: A hydrogen migrates to a Ge.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4752.26221 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 4000 K (0.04297 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up.

Input files:
7_DCB55CGe.U.u.tar.gz [1.6 Mb]4000 K (0.04297 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_DCB55CGe.U.results.u.tar.gz [29 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4783.61893 Hartrees

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -4783.53637 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
131 in MD run: 4000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4783.59790 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
2 in MD run: 4000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4783.62681 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
1 in MD run: 4000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up. Lower energy configuration..

Input files:
7_DCB57Ge.U.u.tar.gz [1.6 Mb]4000 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_DCB57Ge.U.results.u.tar.gz [22 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4745.90633 Hartrees

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -4745.89682 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
132 in MD run: 2500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4745.92874 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
3 in MD run: 2500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer end of tooltip opens up. Lower energy configuration..

Input files:
7_DCB5Ge.U.x.tar.gz [1.6 Mb]2500 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_DCB5Ge.U.results.x.tar.gz [32 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4861.24561 Hartrees

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -4861.21590 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
100 in MD run: 3500 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Input files:
7_DCB65Ge.U.v.tar.gz [1.8 Mb]3500 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_DCB65Ge.U.results.v.tar.gz [22 Mb]

Energy minimization convergence was not achieved in the alloted time for this tooltip.


Mode: Normal
Energy: -5021.31216 Hartrees

Mode: Hydrogen Inversion
Energy: -5021.28496 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
6 in MD run: 2000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: One or more hydrogens inverted to inside the tooltip. Ignorable - see The "Catalytic Handwaving" of Inverted Hydrogen Atoms

Input files:
7_DCB75Ge.U.y.tar.gz [2.2 Mb]2000 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_DCB75Ge.U.results.y.tar.gz [50 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4555.37220 Hartrees

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4555.36938 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
115 in MD run: 3000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Hydrogen from one of the Ges migrated to the other Ge.

Mode: Un-classified
Energy: -4555.35033 Hartrees
Deforms that minimized to the alternate mode:
3 in MD run: 3000 K (~0.04 RMSD)

Notes: Dimer cracks.

Input files:
7_DCBIceane7Ge.U.w.tar.gz [1.4 Mb]3500 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_DCBIceane7Ge.U.results.w.tar.gz [20 Mb]


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4753.34967 Hartrees
No alternate modes detected.
Input files:
7_MCB55Ge.U.z.tar.gz [1.7 Mb]1500 K (0.04399 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_MCB55Ge.U.results.z.tar.gz [47 Mb]

Energy minimization convergence was not achieved in the alloted time for this tooltip.


Mode: Normal
Energy: -4868.10357 Hartrees
No alternate modes detected.
Input files:
7_MCB5Ge.U.z.tar.gz [1.9 Mb]2000 K (~0.04 RMSD)1000 samples
Result files:
7_MCB5Ge.U.results.z.tar.gz [55 Mb]

Energy minimization convergence was not achieved in the alloted time for this tooltip.

Energy minimization convergence was not achieved in the alloted time for this tooltip.

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